github pfp

[Character Details]

Name: Nicolas R.

Age: 21 years old

Origin: Brazil, PR

Class: Software developer

Specialization: Full stack

Who am I? 🤔

Well, I'm just a nobody. A nobody trying his best to do the things that he finds joy in life.

But if you really want to know who I am, here you go. I'm called Nicolas, I've been working on the field since the start of 2022 as a software developer.

My first interaction with code was when I was between 13 and 15y (I can't quite recall the exact age), I was trying to modify existing server plugins in Minecraft and although I did manage to change those plugins, my computer was always on the verge of frying after using Visual Studio 🫠.

Hmm... my free time consists of reading mangas and webtoons, going to the gym, drawing is also one of the things that I like to do, coding side projects, and I also play video games. Hope that's enough.

Recent posts

It's meant to be a comfy space to write about my projects and share some of my thoughts, hope you can respect that.